The last two weeks of December are crazy. We spend most of our free time shopping or an apartment. We get our shopping done, buy presents, and run around the city, clean, cook, meaning we prepare for Christmas. However, Christmas is also a time to think about your life. The time when we can take a look at ourselves, our experience, and reflect on whether everything is okay?
Why the New Year?
According to one of the articles, I read the best time to undertake additional activities is during the turn of spring and summer. This is due to the summer period rich in warm air, natural green, and sun, which provides vitamin D. Yes, spring-summer is a time when we have more energy. However, I think that the old and New Year’s turn is a perfect time to ponder over your life. That is because:
- There is more time off – during the holidays, almost everyone has some time off, even the cashier, whose boss usually doesn’t want to sill lets them go home. Nearly everyone can sit down, relax, and have a look around. Being in constant motion, we don’t get to see where we are, what we do, and who we live with. During holidays we can watch and analyze it calmly,
- Breakthrough – we finish the old year and start the new year, allowing us to say goodbye to the old life and start working on the new one.
I do realize that I’m writing like one of the crazy life coaches. But I think something is right here. Why?
Example: The year 2010. First holiday with Monika. I stand in awe while staring at her. I wanted to take her somewhere very far away, to a journey, mountains, on a snowboard that she loves. I wanted everything, but I had about 400 PLN in my account. With that, I could only rent a board with a helmet at the Warsaw slope for an hour. As I was standing on the balcony and staring at her, I knew I had to do something with my life. Quit chasing the bunny, dealing with the bullshit, and looking for the unknown. It was necessary to start doing something. Today Monika is packing her things, and I’m confirming the reservation. Tonight we’re flying to the Alps. A week full of snow, mountains, love, and snowboarding is waiting for us. I know that money doesn’t bring happiness, but it helps to make dreams come true.

Okay, but how do you choose New Year’s resolutions?
All right, let’s get to the point. When choosing New Year’s resolutions, you should:
- Make sure you find some spare time. Take a pen and a piece of paper and sit down in a quiet place. Don’t let yourself get distracted, and don’t get upset. Just sit down and remember what last brought you,
- Write down the most important events, successes, and failures, everything that influenced your emotions, state of mind, and account.
- Highlight things that did not depend on coincidence, randomness, or other factors. Mark the events that were only up to you,
- Take a look at what you’ve done and write down the result of your successes and failures. All your pros and cons. It will help you pinpoint what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong,
- Look again and highlight events that you think you had no control over. Successes and failures that are the result of luck or bad luck,
- Remember one thing – bad luck and happiness is a matter of your preparation. By analyzing these cases, you can understand how subconsciously you prepared yourself to be lucky and what you forgot to do to avoid bad luck,
- With all this on paper, you can write down all your pros and cons,
- Analyze it point by point and write down what you would like to change to become better and what should be nurtured to become even better.
- Finally, sleep on your thoughts, and with the New Year, act on it.
We have it, now how to keep up with New Year’s resolutions
Okay, you have your notes in hand, but what next? The year has 365 days, during which once you feel like it, and sometimes you don’t. So how do you balance this, and how do you keep your New Year’s resolutions up? Here are some suggestions:
- Specify the resolutions – a common resolution among women is to lose weight. Girls tell themselves, “I will lose weight in 2018”. But the term “I will lose weight” doesn’t mean anything. It’s necessary to determine when, and how much weight you want to lose. What should we do, where to exercise, how to exercise, what and how much to eat? Everything has to be specified and divided according to the plan. Only this way we can see the effects of our actions,
- Stick to the plan – resolution implementation is similar to organizing an event. You should divide everything according to the deadlines, e.g., I will attend a marketing course – January 2018, I will go to the first snowboarding lesson – February 2018, I will start going to the gym – March 2018. All resolutions should be implemented in a sequence. This will give us control over our actions,
- this method seems to be ridiculous, but it has its advantages. Imagining our results, accomplishments, and changes makes us stick to them. We want to fulfill our goal and resolution, and to imagine ourselves,[M1]
- Note in a wallet – one of my friends wanted to earn 50 thousand in 2011. For this purpose, he kept a note in his wallet saying “50 thousand zlotys”. Each time he reached into his wallet, he would recall that amount. This thought motivated him and pushed him further, thanks to which he changed his job, caught more orders, spent funds wisely, saved, and invested. Result – by December 2011; he had 50 thousand just what he wrote on the note.
- The New Year is a time of reflection and resolutions – I know that many people laugh at it, thinking it’s childish. However, remember that most of these people do not believe that you can earn 10 thousand a month, travel the world, find a loving person, and surround yourself with real friends. Therefore, it’s worth being in this group with faith and knowing that you can make changes in your life. New year – new Me.