In the fourth part of the materials devoted to the cryptocurrencies, we will discuss this topic from a different point of view. We will explain how and where to buy a cryptocurrency. The topic seems to be important, as we will find several ways to purchase the e-coin. So I invite you to the fourth part of the series: “Where to invest money – discover cryptocurrency exchange”.
World of cryptocurrencies – are you going to enter it?
Although I have experience and skills, I have never called myself a professional investor. I have never concealed the fact that investing is not my only source of income, although I can make money on it. So, this time too, I will not hide that cryptocurrency is a new, simple and reliable way for me to invest.
I currently have several types of cryptocurrencies, although I do not use them as the main form of payment. The exception was the World Cup in Russia, during which I paid with my bitcoin. Yes. It was easy and practical. However, since I do not use e-coins as a form of payment, the question arises – why do I need them? The answer is easy.
The Forex market has given me a lot of opportunities to multiply my capital and not a small injection of cash. Unfortunately, it was also associated with losses and constant analysis of the market, which took too much time. The ideal solution turned out to be cryptocurrencies, which require only:
- Discussions on the subject to know which cryptocurrency to choose,
- Funds for purchase,
- Virtual wallet where we keep the e-coin,
- The knowledge how to buy cryptocurrency,
- Time and patience to increase the value of investments.
By realizing the above subsections we will have a chance for an effective investment.
How to buy a cryptocurrency computer online – cryptocurrency and bureau de change online
The available methods and tools to purchase a cryptocurrency can be divided into two groups – online and offline. Online methods are tools for purchasing e-coins via the Internet, among which we distinguish:
- cryptocurrency exchange,
- bureau de change online.
Cryptocurrency exchange, also known as the cryptocurrency exchange, is an internet service through which offers to buy or sell e-coins available on the exchange are made. The most popular are Binance – the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world and BitBay – an exchange that allows trading cryptocurrencies for zlotys. The online marketplace allows for flexible management of the e-coins buying and selling price from anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, this has some consequences. The first is the high commissions supported by intermediaries, the second is the threat from virtual thieves and hackers.
An bureau de change online operates on similar principles as a traditional virtual bureau de change with the difference that it allows you to buy e-coins. It has a form of an Internet platform through which customers can make a quick purchase or exchange of cryptocurrency. An online bureau de change is fast and relatively simple, unfortunately it is subject to high commissions.
So it turns out that online methods are simple, fast and very convenient. Unfortunately, they are associated with high fees, and the threat of attack from thieves and hackers. What is more, according to the Personal Income Tax Act, virtual cryptocurrency trading must be qualified as income generated on the sale of property rights, which means that it must be accounted for in its VAT.

How to buy a cryptocurrency offline – Tron voucher and coupons
Online tools are fast and easy, but also expensive and quite dangerous. However, we will find several other methods that do not require access to the Internet, and one of them is a cryptocurrency voucher.
Crypto Voucher is a coupon with a login and password to the bought cryptocurrency. Using the data we will be able to log in to our crypto wallet, on which the purchased e-coin is located. The coupon is in the form of an offline document, which means that it is not connected to the network and guarantees security against hacker attacks.
Crypto voucher, like any other voucher, is covered by the law of the consumer, which means that in the case of theft the customer can report this crime like any other. This is important because nowadays, in many European countries, the owners of a cryptocurrency have to deal with the lack of precise legal regulations in this respect.
For example, it is worth mentioning the so-called TRON voucher, i.e. a document that enables the purchase and storage of Chinese cryptocurrency. There is a lot of positive and negative talk about the Tron voucher, but we have to admit that it is a very simple and safe way of buying. All you have to do is contact the hotline, get acquainted with the offer, order a certain amount of cryptocurrency on the voucher and provide your contact address. The documents will be sent by post, and the customer will pay only upon receipt. The login data is only on the document, so the owner is not exposed to hacker attacks. Just hide the document in a safe place. This process of purchase, storage and sale makes the Tron voucher a simple and safe way to buy e-coins.